If you want to be on the cutting edge when it comes to hunting knives , you may want to do a bit of research into the different styles and brands of knives that are available and determine which one will best suit your needs. Hunting knives come in different styles. The fixed blade hunting knife are excellent for field dressing big game, but less convenient to carry than an folding hunting knife . The fixed blade style requires a good quality sheath so that it can be carried safely in the field. A folding style blade can be safely kept in a pocket, although you may want to make sure it is in a pocket that can be closed, as it can be frustrating to take your game and then discover that your knife fell out of your pocket somewhere along the way and you are unable to field dress your kill. Custom hunting knives are a great heirloom piece if you are looking for something that you can use now, and then pass down to generations of other hunters. Although these knives are considerably mo...