Abdominal surgery means that your stomach muscles will never be the same again. This is the main muscle group that supports the torso in the front of the body. If surgery is required on this area, then there will be a weakness in the torso. Using a waist cincher will protect the area of the incision and will strengthen the torso. When stomach surgery is necessary, the muscle group known as your core will be weakened and will need to be built back up. This will happen any time a muscle group is cut into. Abdominal surgery is even more likely to have this affect. Because the abdominal muscles support the torso, this can create serious problems for some people. This area also carries the internal organs. The torso needs to be strong to carry all the weight of the body. A waist cincher corset will help hold in the abdominal muscles as well as supporting the back. When the stomach muscles are weakened, the back needs to be stronger to make up for this lack. This can cause undo strain o...